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Our Projects

  • SOLUTION SOLVE LIMITED is involved in LPG industry projects countrywide and offers services dealing with every aspect of LPG project development from assessing local LPG markets to project feasibility and engineering design to the implementation and management of LPG facilities.

  • With years of experience in the design and management of midstream LPG projects, SOLUTION SOLVE LIMITED has worked on an array of projects across the country, including LPG import/ export terminals, LPG storage depots, rail and road LPG loading facilities and LPG pipelines.

Other Projects

  • Installation of gas facility at OLAM.
  • Completed upgrading and renovation of gas installation at PLOT ENTERPRISE in Takoradi.
  • Completed upgrading and renovation of gas installation at BD ASSOCAITES.
  • Completed upgrading and renovation of gas installation at GOIL in TEMA.
  • Completed upgrading and renovation of gas installation at CARGILL inTEMA.
  • Completed upgrading and renovation of gas installation at COCOA PROCESSING in TEMA.
  • Completed upgrading and renovation of gas installation at GLOBAL GAS in ACCRA.
  • Completed upgrading and metering all KFC out lets in all the malls.
  • Installation of gas facility at a newly constructed international Senchi hotel near Akosombo.
  • Installation of LPG bottles testing plant at Libreville Gabon in 2010.
  • Commissioning of LPG bottle refilling plant and training of staff at TOTAL Togo.
  • Conception of mobile log bottles refilling unit at TOTAL PETROLEUM GHANA LIMITED.
  • Resolving many technical problems on LPG gas facilities.